

Sorakaya(Bottle Gourd) Nuvvula Koora

Bottle Gourd/Sorakaya - 1, peel, wash and cut into 1/2 inch cubes
1 small onion, cut into small pieces
5 curry leaves
2 Red chillies, cut them into 1 inch pieces
1/4 tbsp mustard seeds
2 tbsp seasame (nuvvulu) seeds
1 tbsp tamarind paste/juice
1/4 tbsp jaggery
1 green chilli
salt as per taste
A pinch of turmeric
Coriander for garnishing

  • In a pan, dry roast seasame seeds, add a green chilli to the seeds and grind them to a coarse powder
  • In a pan, add 1 tbsp oil and when it is hot, add mustard seeds, red chilli flakes, curry leaves and fry till mustard seeds splutter
  • Add bottle gourd pieces, onion pieces, add salt and turmeric and mix well and cook till bottlegourd pieces are soft. It takes about 10 minutes. Bottle gourd gives out water so no need to add water
  • Add 1/4 tbsp jaggery and 1 tbsp tamarind juice to the curry and mix well and cook for just 2min and switch off the heat
  • Wait for exactly 2min and add the seasame powder to the curry and mix well.
  • Garnish with Coriander leaves

Very tasty curry is ready to eat! Goes very well with roti and rice!

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