

Salmon Fry

Boneless Salmon pieces - 6 Medium sized (washed thoroughly)
Corn flour - 1 tbsp
Chilli powder - 1 tbsp

Turmeric - 2 pinches
Lemon Juice - 2 tbsp
Salt - as per taste
Ginger Garlic paste - 1/2 tbsp
Oil for frying

1. In a bowl, add fish pieces and add turmeric
Now add  ginger garlic paste

Add salt

 Add  chillipowder
Add enough lemon juice

Add corn flour

and mix well
Let it marinate for 20 minutes
In a pan, add 2-3 spoons of oil and shallow fry the fish pieces till all sides turn brown and the fish is well-cooked.

This healthy fish can be eaten as a snack or can be used to make salad.

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