

Saggu Biyyam Vadiyalu or Sajo Fritters

Saggu biyyam - 1 cup
Water - 6 cups
Salt to taste
Cumin seeds - 1 tbsp (crushed) 

  1. Grind Saggu Biyyam in mixie coarsely and soak in water for 15 minutes
  2. Boil water in a  thick bottomed vessel, add salt and crushed cumin seeds, boil the water till bubbles come.
  3. Add saggu biyyam and cook by stirring continuously otherwise it will stick vessel.
  4. Cook till saggu biyyam becomes very soft and mixed in water.
  5. Remove from fire and let it cool for 5 minutes
  6. Take a wet cloth and spread it on flat base. Take 1 tsp of batter and spread it on wet cloth like patties and sun dry for couple of days. Once they totally dry, sprinkle some water on backside of the cloth and remove the patties one by one. Again sun dry them for one more day and store in airtight container. They are now ready to be used.
  7. Fry them in hot oil as it is side dish with dal or sambar and rice.

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