

Barley Dosa

There's a funny story behind this recipe. Some friends were coming home and I wanted to make dosa for them. I totally forgot to soak the ingredients. When I remembered, it was too late in the night. I didn't want to disturb everyone by switching on the lights, so I went into the kitchen in the darkness, soaked rice and dal and went back to sleep. But only in the morning did i realize that what I thought as rice is Barley instead. I Just wanted to experiment how it goes by still going ahead with Barley instead of rice and Dosas came out really very crispy and super tasty..Here's the recipe for you...


2 cupts of Barley washed and soaked overnight)
1 cup urad dal (washed and soaked overnight)
1/4 tsp. soda bicarbonate
Salt to taste

Method of preparation:

Having soaked both barley and dal separately, wash well with plenty of water.
Grind dal to a very fine paste
Grind Barley to a smooth paste
Mix both barley and dal together after grinding.
Add soda bi-carb and salt and beat well.
Add a little water if necessary.
The batter should be fairly thick.
Cover and keep aside for 7-8 hours, undisturbed. (preferably in a warm place)
Heat the iron griddle or non-stick tawa well.
Pour a spoonful of batter in the center, spread with the back of the spoon to a thin round.
Pour a tsp. of ghee or oil over it.
Remove with spatula when crisp.

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